Shostakovich – March 9th at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago

Whoog! Just finished coloring the final page and panels for the Shostakovich moving comic that will be featured at 5th House Ensemble’s performance Caught: the Wide Open ( It’ll be the first time my work will be in the Museum of Contemporary Art, so I’m definitely looking forward to March 9th. Now off to make the slideshow!


Book Launch Today!

Don’t forget the book launch today at Third Coast Comics from 1-5pm (6234 North Broadway  Chicago, IL 60660) .

Swing by and be the first to buy your very own copy of THE PANOPTICORN,  have it signed by ADAM, pick up a packet of Panopticorn seed, and have a bite of the all new Panopticorn Vegetarian Chilli!

Didn’t catch your red-eye flight to Chicago, so you can’t make the event?  Not to worry!  It’s launch day and you can buy your very own THE PANOPTICORN online at:

the Panopticorn Book Launch! Nov. 10th at Third Coast Comics from 1pm-5pm

Come celebrate the launch of Adam Fotos’ new Graphic Novel THE PANOPTICORN at Third Coast Comics at 6234 N Broadway in Chicago.  It’s just north of the Granville stop on the Red Line on Broadway.

Adam will be there signing books, drawing, and serving an all new PANOPTICORN CHILI in conjunction with Third Coast’s 2nd Annual Chili Cookoff.

Come meet the artist and get a book signed!

Preview the book online HERE.